Marshall McLuhan: You Know Nothing of My Work! - Coupland, Douglas
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“He knows he’d seen the future of the future. He knows he’d become world renowned and world reviled, and now he can’t even say a proper goodbye and good luck to a goddamn bee. “ (Chapter:… return)
“Geography has become irrelevant” (Chapter:… return)
“Our online phantom world has become the new us” (Chapter:… return)
“Marshall identified the illness and worked toward finding ways of dealing with it” (Chapter:… return)
“To bring order into this jangled sphere man must find its centre. M.M” (Chapter:… return)
"”Terror,” he went on to say, is the normal state of any oral society, for in it everything affects everything all the time… In our long striving to recover for the Western world a unity of sensibility and of thought and feeling we have no more been prepared to accept the tribal consequences of such unity than we were ready for the fragmentation of the human psyche by print culture. “ (Chapter:… return)
“The thing about a genius idea is that, the moment someone hears it, they say, “Well that’s obvious.” “ (Chapter:… return)
“So here is Bill Gates and all those people going off to sweat lodge retreats and Davos forums, all the while trying to figure out what happens next.” (Chapter:… return)
“What happens next is that they didn’t think of Google. They didn’t think of social networking.” (Chapter:… return)
“Environments are invisible. Their ground rules, pervasive structure, and overall patterns elude easy perception. M.M” (Chapter:… return)
“McLuhan is pegged for two ideas that went on to become clichés: “the medium is the message” and “the global village.”” (Chapter:… return)
“The medium is the message” means that the ostensible content of all electronic media is insignificant; it is the medium itself that has the greater impact on the environment” (Chapter:… return)
“All that matters is that you’re watching the TV itself, at the expense of some other technology—probably books or the internet” (Chapter:… return)
“Marshall’s other cliché, “the global village,” is a way of paraphrasing the fact that electronic technologies are an extension of the human central nervous system” (Chapter:… return)
“the man who bangs a drum so large that it’s only beaten once every hundred years.” (Chapter:… return)
“he was often nastily ridiculed by the establishment either for what he seemed to be saying, or for saying it in ways that made people feel like they needed a translator” (Chapter:… return)
“these days, most people who know McLuhan’s name have only a fuzzy idea of what he said and did—and these fuzzy ideas themselves are based on second, third, fourth, and nth degrees of handedness” (Chapter:… return)
“Forget poor-players and strutting; twenty-first-century life is karaoke—a never-ending attempt to maintain dignity while a jumble of data uncontrollably blips across a screen.” (Chapter:… return)
“when we step into the family we step into a fairy-tale. G.K. Chesterton” (Chapter:… return)
“he became a book-reading machine” (Chapter:… return)
“This level of skill had to be partly genetic and partly learned” (Chapter:… return)
“apocalyptic modes of evangelism” (Chapter:… return)
“His unwillingness to keep specialized realms ghettoized defined him, giving him public fame and academic sorrow. “ (Chapter:… return)
“petit bourgeois culture” (Chapter:… return)
“Ironically, when he was demonized in later life, it was largely because his critics thought he was anti-book and pro-technology” (Chapter:… return)
“Chesterton” (Chapter:… return)
“The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of the Conservatives is to prevent the mistakes from being corrected” (Chapter:… return)
“If society is polarized by progress versus conservatism, there is no room for the eternal” (Chapter:… return)
“old fogey” (Chapter:… return)
“That he would fall for a strong woman trying to make a go of it in a man’s world is unsurprising” (Chapter:… return)